A touring exhibition in Taiwan in conjunction with Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Cultural and Educational Foundation.
Taipei | 台北: February 26th – March 10th, 2021
台北信義新天地A9, 9F: Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei Xinyi Place A9, 9 Floor (address: No. 9, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City)
Taichung | 台中: March 13th – 24th, 2021
台中中港店, 10F, 天空劇場: Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung Zhonggang, 10 Floor (address: No.301, Section 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun District, Taichung City)
Tainan | 台南: March 27th – April 7th, 2021
台南新天地 6F C區: Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Tainan Place, 6 Floor, Area C (address: 658, Section 1, Ximen Road, Zhongxi District, Tainan City)
Natan Dvir’s Homelands | 安居之所 explores both his motherland, Israel, and New York City, where he resided for over 11 years. Growing up in Israel, from an early age Dvir was exposed to strong religious, social and political views. As a result, much of his work focuses on the human aspects of political, social and cultural issues.
As a humanistic photographer, Dvir often gravitates towards the stories of the various minority groups who call Israel home. He has photographed Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers, Arab Israelis, and members of Israel’s minority religions. In New York City he has photographed the Jewish diaspora. His work seeks to debunk preconceived notions, and biases, thereby promoting mutual respect, understanding and peaceful coexistence.
Dvir’s images of New York City are infused with a different kind of vitality, whereby the viewer feels a sense of isolation despite the bustling population size. In these images Dvir critiques social norms, wealth disparity and the ideal of the American Dream. Dvir juxtaposes utopian images with the harsh realities of the New York City hustle, often highlighting how people are alone, together.
As a whole, Dvir’s work aims to bring together polarized communities through humanizing the “other”. Dvir demonstrates that a homeland does not always have to be someone’s native land; sometimes it can be the home you choose for yourself.
Since 2007, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Cultural & Educational Foundation has organized the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi International Photography Exhibition Events. Over the last ten years, the foundation has focused its efforts on promoting the photographic arts and providing photography lovers with a comprehensive platform for expression. The foundation regularly invites internationally renowned photographers to exhibit their work, creating an inspiring and dynamic international photographic arts exchange.
台北、台中、台南– 來自美國紐約的藝術經紀品牌AG Global旗下的Anastasia Photo藝廊 (安娜塔西亞攝影) 隆重宣佈將與新光三越文教基金會一同於全台灣北中南三地新光三越百貨公司藝文空間巡迴展出紀實攝影師Natan Dvir (納坦 · 德維爾) 全球首次公開亮相的2020新作與精彩的經典創作回顧。 展覽將於2021年2月26日至4月7日於台北新光三越信義新天地A9,台中新光三越中港店和台南新光三越新天地展出。
納坦·德維爾 (Natan Dvir) 的「Homelands安居之所」系列展覽呈現了他攝影創作生涯以來長年對家鄉以色列以及旅居超過11年的美國紐約市的觀察與探索。德維爾在以色列長大,從小接觸到強烈的宗教、社會和政治信仰,因此,他的許多作品專注於政治、社會和文化議題的人性面。
自2007年以來,新光三越文教基金會每年皆會舉辦新光三越國際攝影展系列活動。 在過去的十年裡,該基金會一直致力於推廣攝影藝術,並為攝影愛好者提供一個資源完整的表現平台。 該基金會定期邀請國際知名攝影師展示他們的作品,從而創建一個充滿活力且激勵人心的國際攝影藝術交流。
March 4 – May 17, 2015
When Dvir first visited New York City he was immediately struck by the “American Dream” looming large—the numerous ads and billboards enveloping the city in a kaleidoscopic commercial net. By juxtaposing giant billboards against seemingly miniature humans in everyday street scenes, Dvir explores our relationship with branded city centers and the commercial environment we live in.
The immense billboards permeate the whole city, from SoHo to Times Square. Their power is emboldened by their impermanence; most are replaced after several weeks. By cropping the scene from the environment the space appears flattened, scale and spatial relationships are often confused; a visual play Dvir employs throughout the series. Pedestrians inhabiting the space underneath are pulled, unaware, into a staged set; the reality of the street contrasted with the commercial fantasy of the advertisements.
March 15 – May 19, 2013
Natan Dvir began this series, “Coming Soon”, in response to his surprise, as a foreigner, at the “numerous ads and billboards covering New York City in a kaleidoscopic commercial net”. By juxtaposing giant billboards against seemingly miniature humans in everyday street scenes, he explores our relationship with branded city centers and the commercial environment we live in. Dvir explains, “The branding of the cityscape has become so ubiquitous, that the billboards, looming over the narrow space and monumental in scale, seem to be virtually unnoticed by passersby.
People inhabiting the space underneath are pulled, unaware, into a staged set. The grasp is democratic and compulsory- the only medium that cannot be turned off, trying to reach a diverse public whose movements through the city momentarily overlap.”
Natan Dvir (b. 1972) is an Israeli photographer who focuses on the human aspects of political, social and cultural issues. He received his MBA from Tel Aviv University and his MFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts (NY), after which he became a faculty member at the International Center for Photography (ICP). Natan is based in New York City and photographs around the world represented by Polaris Images agency.
Dvir’s work has been published by numerous international magazines including the New York Times, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, the Sunday Times, Le Monde, Figaro, Journal de Dimanche, Stern, Focus, Die Zeit, and Corriere Della Sera among others.
Natan’s main projects were exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Europe, South America and Israel including the Museum of Fine Arts (Houston), Southeast Museum of Photography (Daytona), Museum of Contemporary Art (Cleveland), Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Blue Sky Gallery (Portland, OR), Schneider Gallery (Chicago), Houston Center for Photography (Houston), War Photo Museum (Dubrovnik), Museo de Antioquia (Medellin), Christie’s (London), Kultur Bahnhof Eller (Düsseldorf) and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Tel Aviv). His work has received recognition wining prizes around the world including the Picture of the Year Award (POYi), Photo District News (PDN) Annual, American Photography Award, International Photography Award (IPA), New York Photography Festival Award, Critical Mass top 50, Black & White Spider Award, and the Picture of the Year Award in the Israeli press.