Isabella Huffington (1991) is a New York-based artist who draws on everyday materials and processes to explore the political and gender issues of our times. She received her BA in Art History from Yale in 2014 and has had solo shows in New York City and Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in group shows and contemporary art fairs in New York City, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Dallas, Houston, Sun Valley, and New Haven, among others.
May 4 – September 12, 2017
Isabella Huffington’s collage-based art challenges the dialogue around women in today’s political climate. The exhibition asks viewers to assess the gains women have made in global politics in recent elections and the rhetoric used to achieve gender parity.
Each collage featured in the exhibition explores a different aspect of women’s participation in U.S. government, both historically and in Huffington’s view of the future. The exhibition presents both questions of concern and words of triumph for women’s equal representation and respect in the political arena. Included in the show’s pieces is an ode to powerful women in American history, the eyes of women who have served in the House of Representatives, words that have been used against female politicians, and those that reclaim power.