Borodino Drill

Students dressed in traditional shirts and hats of the Russian airforce participate in a fire-arm drill at Исторический Лагерь Бородино 2016, the Historical-War Camp, in Borodino, Russia. 25 July 2016. They are using air-soft guns for the practice and competition. Air-soft is a sport that replicates military action, but fires non-metallic pellets. Borodino is famous for a battle fought on 7 Sep 1812 – the deadliest day of the Napoleonic Wars. 350 adolescents are in attendance, ranging in ages from 11 to 17, and lasts throughout the summer. Students learn a variety of skills from tactical training in handguns, loading and unloading automatic guns, physical endurance, knife throwing, and others. The project statement of the camp says: “To awaken in the younger generation a keen interest in the history of the Fatherland, the glorious deeds of our ancestors, to facilitate the expansion of military-historical knowledge.”

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